- Create a safety net: Medicare becomes universal catastrophic coverage for everyone. Current medicare recipients receive a voucher to purchase supplemental plans to cover the rest. They can stay with government care if they want but there will be much better options in short order. All costs over $100,000 in a calendar year are covered for anyone by this universal catastrophic plan. In addition people with true congenital pre-existing conditions will be covered.
- Take the existing emergency room system and add support to rural and low income areas by adding more locations. Take the existing emergency room system and stop serving walk-ins. Redirect walk-ins to an urgent care system.
- Turn medicaid into an Health Savings Account grant support program. Give every American an account where they can deposit money for their and their family's health care use. This account will primarily be used to purchase supplemental coverage up to $100,000 for each member of the family. Owners can spend the money on whatever health care related thing they want or roll it over if they want. Every American will get a matching amount from medicaid for the first X number of dollars they put in.
- Change to a higher standard for successful litigation to reduce lawsuits and also make it automatic loser pays all court costs.
- Create a national marketplace for supplemental insurance. Anyone in the country can buy insurance from any insurer that posts there. Insurers can post plans that limit health care network choices. They will compete against insurers who do not limit networks. Create a system similar to the FDIC banking insurance system and allow more entry into the health insurance market with regulation and reserve requirements like banks. The limit is $100,000.
- Eliminate state licensing requirements on health care establishments. Institute national standards. Hammer states that protect large providers. Allow more options into the market.
- Enforce open pricing. Cash and insurance pay the same price. Move to a reimbursement model rather than a third party payer model.
Everyone will be covered. Costs of coverage will necessarily go down. The free market will reduce costs and new innovations will flourish. Administrative costs will be reduced greatly and pricing will be clear and open. The left gets universal health care. The right gets a free market. This is what a health care compromise looks like.